Nuclear forces
- Enumerate the characteristics of nuclear forces
- Explain why nuclear forces are spin dependent
- What is non-central nuclear force?
- Explain why nucleon-nucleon force has to be a central force?
- What is nuclear isospin?
- How can we prove the existence of mesonic cloud in a nucleus?
- How many types of mesons are there? What is the mass of meson?
- Why the magnetic moment of neutron is negative?
Ground state of deuteron
- State any two properties of ground state of deuteron
- What is the purpose of studying ground state of deuteron?
- How the studies of ground state of deuteron contribute to the theory of alpha decay?
Nuclear Models
- What are magic numbers?
- Compare liquid drop with a nucleus.
- Define excitation energy and threshold energy in nuclear fission.
- State two evidences of existence of shell model in nucleus.
- Define parity in a nucleus and explain how it is determined.
- What are the advantages and draw backs of liquid drop model
- What are the advantages and draw backs of shell model
- On the basis of shell model, write the spin of the nucleus 33As75.
- Write the nucleon configuration of the nucleus 33As75.
- What are Schimit values and Schimit curves?
- How is the ground state spin of a nucleus determined?
- How the magic numbered nuclei are spherical in shape?
- Give examples for the magic numbered nuclei.
Nuclear reactions
- Complete the following nuclear reactions.
(?, α) 16S32 , 5B10(?, α) 3Li7,3Li6
(?, 0n1) 4Be7
- Define nuclear scattering and reaction cross section.
- Why nuclear cross section is important for nuclear reactions.
- Why slow neutrons are used in nuclear reactors.
- Why 92U238 cannot undergo fission with slow neutrons
- Define a compound nucleus.
- What is energy balance in nuclear reactions?
- Define level width in nuclear reactions
- What is pick up reaction? Explain with an equation.
- What is stripping reaction? Explain with an equation.
- What is spallation reaction?
Alpha, beta and gamma decays
- What is internal conversion?
- What is K-electron capture
- State the properties of neutrino. Is it massless?
- State the violations in beta decay.
- Differentiate between negative beta decay and positive beta decay.
- What are the selection rules for gamma decay?
- What is nuclear isomerism?
Elementary particles
- Give the quark structure of proton and neutron.
- Identify bosons/fermions/leptons in the following list of particles: photon, postiron, proton.
- What is the significance of symmetry in elementary particles?
- What are hadrons and leptons?
- What are mesons and fermions?
- What are bosons and hyperons?
- How elementary particles are classified?
- Which of the following refers to the same particle: alpha, beta, x-rays, photoelectrons, cathode rays, electrons, photons, deuterons, cosmic rays, canal rays, helium nuclei, gamma rays?
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